HI! I'm Alex Smith,I'm a 28 year old illustrator, and this is my sketch blog. I started Sketch Party 2000 in April of 2007 with no real goals in mind. Soon after, it evolved into a daily ritual. I posted a sketch, photo, film, or some other piece of my art every day for a year. Somewhere in the middle of that year I went back to school, and if you start at the beginning and move toward the current entries you should be able to see that I paid attention in class. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoy posting them, don't let this be your last visit. Updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday (and any other time I feel like it).

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Entry 90: Jonathan

My favorite portraits are off the hip. I rarely pose someone for any kind of portrait unless I just have a crazy idea I can't get out of my head. So here's Jonathan, my sister-in-law's young cousin. He is in fact wearing my favorite hat. The ISO was too high on this one and I touched up the color in PS 3 a bit, other than that, a great candid shot.

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