HI! I'm Alex Smith,I'm a 28 year old illustrator, and this is my sketch blog. I started Sketch Party 2000 in April of 2007 with no real goals in mind. Soon after, it evolved into a daily ritual. I posted a sketch, photo, film, or some other piece of my art every day for a year. Somewhere in the middle of that year I went back to school, and if you start at the beginning and move toward the current entries you should be able to see that I paid attention in class. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoy posting them, don't let this be your last visit. Updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday (and any other time I feel like it).

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Entry 485 (31): Cash

Just a quick wallpaper I whipped up today, hope you enjoy.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Entry 484 (30): She-Hulk

For today: She-Hulk! In glorious color!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Entry 483 (29): Wendy

She's getting bigger every day. Have I posted a color photo of Wendy before now? hmmmm...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Entry 482 (28): New Site Banner

A new banner from yesterday's piece :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Entry 481 (27): Killpack and Smith

These guys again. this will be incorporated into the site banner shortly :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Entry 480 (26): Cupcake Tree

4 - Its a tree...that grows cupcakes. Awesome. Inspired by the weirdness factor for t-shirt designs @ threadless.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Entry 479 (25): Exit Portfoli-O's

3 - I think this could be a pretty solid poster if I worked on the layout some :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Entry 478 (24): Fight Club

Idea 2: Fight Club. This will probably end up as a photo instead of an illustration if I use it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Entry 477 (23): Woodstock

This weekend I've got to start working on thumbnails for the poster for my Exit Portfolio art show, this is my first idea, obviously based on woodstock, but with a T-square.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Entry 476 (22): Zombie Love

woot! new ANIMATED profile pic, I've been turned! Braaaiiiiiinnnnssssssss.......

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Entry 478 (21): Kenneth WIP 2

I moved on to what should eventually be the final version of this. I've got about two hours into this so far.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Entry 474 (20): President Brack Obama

Good luck fella, I hope you can do have the things you say you can. At least you aren't John McCain.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Entry 473 (19): Digital Painting Pirate Lass WIP

I've got maybe an hour and a half into converting this to a digital painting so far. I really want to be able to use this as a marketable illustration style, its coming along okay so far but there's a long way to go.

click here for the original pencils

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Entry 472 (18): DevArt Avatar

nothing special today, just a tiny new avatar I made for my DeviantART account.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

Entry 470 (16): Pixie

Pixie from New X-Men, awesome character. I'm going to color this one tomorrow.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Entry 469 (15): Kenny Presto rough comp (WIP 1)

A warm up for my drawing class. Just getting the feel of the image I'm eventually going to draw. This was done in quick rough strokes, feeling out shadows, getting to know the facial structure, what to exaggerate, what not to. I'll keep posting WIP's of this as I finish it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Entry 468 (14): Does Whatever a Spider Can

After so many all digital posts I decided I really wanted to get something down on some paper. This is heavily inspired by John Romita Jr., but considering that Romita Jr. literally defined how fans of my generation see Spiderman (he debuted on Spiderman in 1977 and in the last 30 years he spent 14 off and on drawing Spidey), how could it not be?
I actually even tightened up the pencils on this. I usually just stop at rough blue lines and then change the color in photoshop. For this I busted out the trusty old mechanical pencils and then shaded it up in PS.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Entry 467 (13): Dr. Love vs. The Army of Darkness

For Stan, one of my two known loyal readers. You requested a new Dr. Love Profile pic, you gots one.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Entry 466 (12): Happy Birthday to Me

(click to enbiggen and animate)

I'm 28 today, woo. Here's my first (and a very quick and dirty) attempt at a photo morph. It starts with a cute 3 year old Axel and then morphs into a grumpy old blind crippled bastich.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Entry 465 (11): Starbuck redux

The tenth and final re-drawing, I give you Kara Thrace. I'm really getting a serious feel for my tablet lately, I just have to perfect drawing long curves like in hair and capes and I'll probably go mostly paperless.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Entry 464 (10): Ultimate Shadowcat redux

With Kitty Pryde I decided to go in a completely different direction. I used a more dynamic pose, threw her in her most recent costume and added a little background. I really, really like this one.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Entry 463 (9): Mary Jane Watson (Ultimate Marvel)

One of my all-time favorite characters to draw: Mary-Jane Watson. I prefer the silver age regular continuity, John Romita version, but the Ultimate universe MJ is great in her own right. I added a more school like seat for her, threw in some freckles and made her hair a little longer to match what Stuart Immonen is doing in the book currently. I'm pretty pleased with it :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Entry 462: Gwen Stacy (Ultimate Marvel)

Not a ton of changes to this one, I took off the hat and put her in the clothes she was wearing in when she got absorbed by Carnage. This turned out nice I think. tomorrow: Mary Jane Watson.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Entry 461 (7): Luke Skywalker

What time is it? Jedi time. I feel the need to draw some more Star Wars stuff in the coming months, so look out for that.

PS-you may have noticed that I skipped another entry yesterday, well I did and I might do it again. I'm skipping the really bland stuff and the really good stuff (yesterday's would have been a drawing of some boxes) in favor of stuff that I really really want to re-draw.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Entry 460 (6): The Escapist

Today I re-drew The Escapist from Michael Chabons's wonderful The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. I based the new one on the famous photo of Houdini wrapped in chains, and hopefully I'll have time (and the motivation) to ink it eventually because I really like how it turned out.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Entry 459 (5): Tony Shalhoub is Monk

The old version (bottom) was actually my first attempt at a celebrity caricature. I've learned a few techniques since then and did the new one (top). I think I've definitely made progress here and don't be too surprised if I do a couple more this year.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Entry 458 (4): Girly Action

The bottom is the older and I actually had to go back and fix it 'cuz I gave her two left feet the first time, lol. The new version was created completely digitally with my graphics tablet and Photoshop CS2, a method I hadn't even started thinking about when I drew the first one.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Entry 457 (3): Goofy Bat guy

This was entry 3. For an explanation click here to see the original posting:


Friday, January 2, 2009

Entry 456 (2): Republic Commando Redux

first order of business: I'm going to re-draw the first ten sketches (skipping the first one, I like that piece as is). So, the bottom is the original from entry 2 and the top is my slightly goofier update. Enjoy :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Entry 455 (1): Happy 2009

2009 is gonna be BRUTAL.