HI! I'm Alex Smith,I'm a 28 year old illustrator, and this is my sketch blog. I started Sketch Party 2000 in April of 2007 with no real goals in mind. Soon after, it evolved into a daily ritual. I posted a sketch, photo, film, or some other piece of my art every day for a year. Somewhere in the middle of that year I went back to school, and if you start at the beginning and move toward the current entries you should be able to see that I paid attention in class. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoy posting them, don't let this be your last visit. Updated Monday, Wednesday and Friday (and any other time I feel like it).

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Entry 85: In Memorium

Mike Wieringo was a huge inspiration and influence for me as an artist. His drawings were always light-hearted and fun, not to mention incredibly well drawn. As I've gotten older, and have not yet found my place in the comics industry, I could always remind myself that Mike didn't get there until he was in his thirties. He'll live on for all of his fans and friends in the wonderful worlds of Illustration he left behind. My prayers are with those who were closest to him. Sleep well, say hi to Will Eisner and I hope they have great comics in heaven.

In loving memory of Mike Wieringo
~1963 - 2007~

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